“I don’t remember your name, but I love you to death, baby,” I whisper. The slightly yellow and fiddly baby looks up at me in a beam of total peace that I share with her. We’re in a quiet hospital room Read essay
Personal Essays
Am I Sisyphus now, now that life as I knew it seems impossible to reach? Sisyphus, a character from a Greek myth, was condemned by the gods to forever push a rock up a mountain. Only to see it tumbling Read essay
The essence of life
I was ‘lucky’ to suffer a stroke at age 33, in a way. Life is so much clearer now. The person I am today, is not the person I was before. Not only is my speech altered by a damaged Read essay
The event that changed my life forever
On the 26th of March, my second daughter Rosa was born. 1.5 weeks after her birth, my life changed completely. I was rushed to the hospital with a severe stroke and thrombosis in my brain. An extremely rare post-partum complication. Read essay
We owe hope
Europe currently experiences one of its hottest summers ever. In my home country, temperature records are broken on almost a daily basis now. I am worried about the climate disruption going on. And I’m not the only one. Increasingly I Read essay
This is the definition of success
A 6 year old, running through the school corridors, suitcase rattling behind her. She throws open the doors, exits the building and sees her fathers car. Ready for a weekend filled with fun she enters the vehicle. Only to find Read essay