The most exciting conversations, are those that make you feel like you are barely hanging on to a board behind a speedboat. Slicing through the water. Have you ever tried that in real life? It’s awesome, scary, you feel on Read essay
Anne Pleun
We owe hope
Europe currently experiences one of its hottest summers ever. In my home country, temperature records are broken on almost a daily basis now. I am worried about the climate disruption going on. And I’m not the only one. Increasingly I Read essay
Question an industry, not the sustainable start-up; why sustainable entrepreneurship should be encouraged
Something curious is happening in the world right now. More and more people are moving away from doing business ’the way we have always done’, towards sustainable business models. But suddenly, these start-ups are under way higher social and environmental Read essay
Revolutions are beautiful. Entrepreneurs, take note!
Lesson 1: Framing. When looking at revolutions and social movements that succeeded, framing was on point. How do you feel about all the messages about the world breaking down, inequality rising, floods, droughts, dying polar bears and lost tropical rainforests? Read essay
This is the definition of success
A 6 year old, running through the school corridors, suitcase rattling behind her. She throws open the doors, exits the building and sees her fathers car. Ready for a weekend filled with fun she enters the vehicle. Only to find Read essay
Why the Best for the World is not always THE BEST – yet – and why you should be ok with that.
The very interesting and productive telephone conference is interrupted when, once again, my phone breaks down. After ferociously clicking it open thereby breaking my fingernail, I pull out the battery, place it back in, start up the phone and call Read essay